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The United States home of
Shin Shin Ryu Iaijutsu

Keupp Sensei
U.S. Remnei Cho, Menkyo Kaiden

Keiko (practice) at the Ryushinkan is led by Dan Keupp the head instructor and owner of the Ryushinkan Dojo. Keupp Sensei started his Martial Arts training in 1983 and has trained in various forms of martial arts. He is a direct student of Yamada Yoshitaka, the 11th Soke of Shin Shin Ryu Iaijutsu. Keupp Sensei holds the license of Menkyo Kaiden in Shin Shin Ryu.
Please see below for a list of official Shin Shin Ryu Iaijutsu dojo's.
ShinShinRyu Hombu
All Japanese Branch Dojo
RyuShinKan Dojo
Yushinkan Dojo - Shin Shin Ryu Iaijutsu
Meidokan Dojo
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